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PRP: The Solution for Younger-Looking Skin

There are countless aesthetic treatments available today. Some deliver dramatic results, but at the cost of extensive downtime or exposure to less-than-ideal ingredients. On the other hand, all too many natural treatments don’t deliver and only marginally improve your skin — if at all. Fortunately, these aren’t your only options.

If you’ve felt torn when looking at cosmetic treatments, not sure if you should choose the invasive procedures that have a proven track record or the natural ones that don’t expose you to any toxins, we have good news. At Soulage Wellness & Aesthetics Center, we have a treatment that’s both completely natural and extremely effective. 

At our office in Bastrop, Texas, Dr. Pompeyo Chavez and his team of expert providers offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for skin rejuvenation. Let’s take a look at how it works. 

Understanding PRP

Before we dive into PRP, let’s first talk about your platelets. These are a component of your blood that your body uses whenever you get hurt. By directing platelets to the injured area, your body helps your blood clot and supplies the area with growth factors. These are proteins that stimulate tissue growth, signaling to your body that it should start regeneration while giving it resources to use to rebuild tissue. 

During PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation, your Soulage Wellness & Aesthetics Center provider takes a very small sample of your blood. They put that into a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other components of your blood, leaving them with the PRP. Because it’s a concentrated plasma, the PRP contains more growth factors than your blood normally contains, making it a powerful tool for kickstarting regeneration in your skin. 

Using PRP to rejuvenate your skin

The trick with PRP is allowing it to penetrate to the deeper levels of your skin where it can make the most dramatic difference. To get it there, your Soulage Wellness & Aesthetics Center provider microneedles your skin. Next, they apply the PRP to the surface of your skin. All of the tiny channels created by the microneedling process give the PRP pathways to penetrate deeply.

Once the PRP arrives in the deeper layers of your skin, it signals to your skin that it should start regenerating. This stimulates the production of collagen, the protein that keeps your skin tight and plump, and elastin, the protein that gives your skin its elasticity. 

This essentially turns back the clock for your skin. While your body naturally produces plenty of collagen and elastin to keep your skin tight and supple during your youth, the production of these key proteins slows over time. Starting them back up rejuvenates your skin. 

What’s more, the PRP stimulates the production of new, healthy skin cells. As it does all of this work in your skin, it lessens the appearance of:

You notice some results from your PRP treatment right away. What’s more, your skin continues to improve over the coming weeks as it continues the natural regeneration processes kickstarted by the PRP.

If you’re ready to get started with a safe, natural way to transform your skin, don’t hesitate to call us at 512-212-3719 or make an appointment online.

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