Visit Our Medical Spa in Austin for PRP Rejuvenation

The power of your body to heal itself is unrivaled. However, there are times when that ability needs to be enhanced in order to achieve results. And that’s where PRP comes in. This treatment has been used for years to help regenerate the body in a number of different ways. First used during open heart surgeries, PRP has since migrated into other branches of medicine. From injuries to facial rejuvenation, PRP can help you heal. You can visit our medical spa in Austin or look at the information below to learn more about PRP rejuvenation.
What Is PRP?
First, let’s talk about what PRP is not. It is not an invasive or surgical procedure. It does not rely on chemicals, lasers, or any other substances to heal the body. PRP is a series of injections that only use your platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. This part of your blood is what is responsible for healing cells and tissues. PRP does this because it contains proteins called growth factors as well as white blood cells. When we inject concentrated doses of PRP back into the body, it is able to enhance your healing ability.
The PRP procedure is fairly simple. We will begin with a small blood draw and then place that sample into a centrifuge. After separating the different parts of your blood, we will be able to extract your PRP. From there, an injectable serum will be created. With the PRP treatment, there is no downtime and no ill side effects. As we use only your own PRP, there is never a risk for any allergic reactions. The entire process should take only around one hour in total.
PRP Rejuvenation
PRP can be used to treat and rejuvenate the body in several different ways. No matter the use, however, PRP works to restore cells, encourage collagen production, and heal tissue.
PRP is able to treat all of the signs of aging. PRP does this by increasing the amount of collagen and elastin that your skin produces. As such, PRP can help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles and can also treat lost facial volume and age spots. At our medical spa we combine PRP with microneedling or CO2 skin resurfacing to enhance the results of both treatments.
PRP rejuvenation is not a miracle; it’s science. Your body already contains what it needs to heal itself. We just need to harness it. Call to schedule your consultation and visit our medical spa in Austin for PRP rejuvenation! Soulage Wellness and Aesthetic Center is conveniently located in Bastrop, TX. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!
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